Sunday, August 3, 2014

It has been awhile... has been quite awhile since I have last posted. I guess my blog name is true...busy momma! Anyway, who can believe that it is already AUGUST!?!?! This girl can't for sure. I only have one more week of summer break at home with my sweet baby girl and pups. So what have I been doing with my time this summer...I have comforted a baby who cut 4 teeth, started to crawl, learned to use a straw, ate her first cookie, learned how to use the dogs as step stools, mastered swinging, went on her first family vacation to Table Rock Lake, gone many miles in the jogging stroller, said her first word, took her first steps and so many more. I would say I have had one awesome summer!

However, recently I dusted off the old sewing machine and decided to make myself something. My sister-in-law is getting married on August 16th and I decided I needed to make myself a rehearsal dinner dress. I had the hardest time finding a pattern I liked completely, so I just combined a couple patterns and made my own adjustments. Here is what I came up with...

Sorry about my messy room and crazy hair. I stayed up until 2 a.m. for two nights sewing this beauty. I can only sew after the little one goes to bed. Hope you like it. I am thinking of making Greyson a matching one. Ugh, I going to be THAT mom!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

5 Dollar Family Meal

Okay, so last night was the first time I have actually cooked dinner in what seems like forever. Between track meets, practice and my husband's side jobs we seem to never have dinner together. All three of us actually sat at the table and enjoyed our time together. Nights like that recharge me and get me through these super busy times. While my 7-month-old daughter had green beans and mangoes (and no I am not that super mom who makes her own baby food. The thought did cross my mind, but it never happened.), I searched the pantry for items to make a meal. It has been awhile since I have gone grocery shopping, so this is what I came up with: Chicken Marinara Pasta. I added up the cost of the meal and it came out to around $5.00. It made 6 servings, so that comes out to about $.0.83 per serving.

Chicken Marinara Pasta

- 2 chicken breast diced and seasoning with garlic powder and black pepper
- 1 box of 16oz penne noodles
- 1 jar of Mushroom tomato sauce
- Handful of cilantro

Cook the noodles. Drain the noodles and place in casserole dish. Pour the tomato sauce over the noodles. Cook the chicken. Mix the chicken in with the noodles and sauce. Cut up the cilantro and mix one last time. Enjoy!

Why Write a Blog?

Hello! Look it is a another blog. :). Why should you read this blog? That is a good question, and I have no idea. I am not a professional, just an average momma with a very busy life. So a little more information about myself. I am a 25-year-old momma of a 7-month-old sweet baby girl (Greyson) and two puppies (Ryelie & Max), wife, teacher (high school FACS), and track coach (javelin). I love eating healthy, exercising, sewing, DIY projects and spending time with my sweet family. Hope my life isn't too boring for you.